Mais qui était donc Gaston Bergery ? Yves Pourcher

in Historical Reflections/Réflexions Historiques (Volume 40 - winter 2014)

Mais qui était donc Gaston Bergery ?
Yves Pourcher
in Historical Reflections/Réflexions Historiques (Volume 40, Issue 3, Winter 2014) - Berghahn Books -

Historical Reflections/Reflexions Historiques has established a well-deserved reputation for publishing high quality articles of wide-ranging interest for nearly forty years. The journal, which publishes articles in both English and French, is committed to exploring history in an interdisciplinary framework and with a comparative focus. Historical approaches to art, literature, and the social sciences ; the history of mentalities and intellectual movements ; the terrain where religion and history meet : these are the subjects to which Historical Reflections/Reflexions Historiques is devoted.

lien :

Senior Editor : Linda Mitchell, University of Missouri, Kansas City
Coeditor : Daniel Gordon, University of Massachusetts, Amherst
Coeditor : W. Brian Newsome, Elizabethtown College


Rescuing Early America from Nationalist Narratives : An Intra-Imperial Approach to Colonial Canada and Louisiana
Daniel H. Usner

“Source de lumières & de vertus” : Rethinking Éducation, Instruction, and the Political Pedagogy of the French Revolution
Adrian O’Connor

Neither Reformers nor Réformés : The Construction of French Modernity in the Nineteenth Century
Gavin Murray-Miller

A History around Housman’s Circumcision
Mihail Evans

Du symbolisme au néo-classicisme, de l’anarchisme à l’extrême droite : le double revirement de Camille Mauclair
Amotz Giladi

Mais qui était donc Gaston Bergery ?
Yves Pourcher